Payment method: Boleto Bancário

Boleto Bancário is a payment method for players from Brazil who access New Zealand online casinos. The Boleto works as a temporary credit card, so it is not necessary for the player to have an effective credit card in order to make payments. In fact, the player does not even need to have a bank account; he just needs to have the money that will be loaded into the bank slip.
In addition to this simplicity, Boleto Bancário is easy to create and use, has high levels of security and the costs for the user are quite low.

How does Boleto Bancário work?

The Boleto Bancário is obtained by downloading a software, which runs in Java (it is necessary to have Java updated and allow the browser to run this program). Once the software is operational, the user will have at their disposal the options Boleto Directo, Boleto Web and Boleto Free. This last alternative is free, being often the most chosen by Brazilian online casino players.

After choosing the option, the user will be asked what amount they want to deposit. Once the amount has been chosen, the application issues a bank slip, with a unique code and the respective amount.

With these elements, the user can go to the bank and make the payment. If you do not even have a bank account, payment can simply be made over the counter. Alternatively, you can also make a bank transfer with the Boleto code as the recipient.

Once the payment is made, the money will be charged to the user's casino account.

What are the advantages of Boleto Bancário?

In addition to being quick and easy, this means of payment is quite secure because the user data is only needed for the boleto itself and, of course, for the player's casino account. There is no data exchange between the computer systems of the bank and the online casino. In addition, the fees to be paid for the use of this system are very low.